
I’m so happy you’re here :) As a new small business owner, your support means the world to me. Check out our catalog to view our available products. Handmade with love ❤️

About us

Hi! I’m Erica, founder of Esther & I. Happily married and mommy of 3. I discovered my passion for handcrafted products and started exploring the colors, the forms, the patterns, the creativity, and the joy of making them. They’ve turned out neat enough that I wanted to start sharing. I hope you feel the love and joy in each piece.

  • Esther & I

    I named the store Esther and I after my daughter Viktoria Esther. Esther has always been my favorite book of the Bible, Esther is a strong woman who has boundaries and respect for herself and those around her. She is favored. Her name means star and her Hebrew name Hadassah, means myrtle tree, which is an evergreen that produces beautiful blooms, that is why there’s a myrtle branch on our logo.